Wednesday, February 29, 2012

What's New?

Well lately I've actually been sewing! I felt a little uninspired for a couple of months and while I was still getting stuff done it was really taking a long time. My fabric was taking over the family room and my bedroom was a claustrophobic mess that I just couldn't work in... So I came up with a plan and decided to get organized. I asked my Papa to make me some IKEAish cubbies and bought the boxes to fit inside.

I got home from work and just ripped my room apart. I don't have much space to work with so I wanted to make the most of it. In the end, I moved the bed, dresser and trunk, broke my bookshelf, bought and built (well Corey built) a new bookshelf, stacked my beautiful custom built cubbie cabinets and moved my desk into the family room and believe it or not I now have much more space! I'm actually organized. For those of you that know me you are well aware that organization is not my strong suit. I'm a bit of a disaster and generally function pretty well within the chaos. But anyway, I now have bins full of fabric that is easy to get at and I know what I have to work with. My sewing machine is set up in the family room and I have a much better workspace that doesn't take over the entire room which is a huge bonus for the rest of the family.

What else? Well I just finished my second set of baby bedding which was a lot of fun to make (I can't wait to see pictures of the room all set up!) and I have had a bunch of custom orders in the shop lately. I'm also in the process of building up inventory for my very first sale! I'm going to have a table at the Flamborough Baptist Church Mom to Mom Sale on Saturday March 24th. I'm really excited about this and hope that it will be a start to getting my info out to other people and getting this business going! You should come check it out, tell your friends! I'm sharing a table with my Aunt (selling handmade aprons) and my sister (selling crocheted childrens hats).

I'm heading up to the cottage this weekend so that I can actually feel like I experienced a little bit of winter and my plan is to bring my sewing machine (sorry Uncle), sit in front of the fire place and gets lots and lots of work done! I have so many cute bags cut out right now and I can't wait to get them put together! I'll post pictures when I get back. I really wouldn't mind if it snowed so much that we got snowed in and had to stay a few extra days... wishful thinking? Probably.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Pinterest.... Its Sucks You In!

A couple of months ago I got a message from my friend, and former room mate :(, Megan, telling me that there was this new website and I just HAD to check it out. I said I would and kind of put the thought aside... Then one day Meg grabbed me by the hair and dragged me to a computer and made me sign up for Pinterest in front of her so that she would know that I was finally listening...

I AM IN LOVE... I AM ADDICTED... I have been sucked in and I can't get out! I'm not asking for help... If you haven't already, I'm asking you to sign up and experience this with me. It's one of those things that you can look at quick and not see anything OR you can spend hours searching through pages and pages of other peoples "pins" which usually consist of fantastic recipes, craft ideas, home projects and all kinds of other random things. It gives a new perspective on DIY and has tons of clever tricks for everything from storage ideas to cleaning products. If you're getting married and want to do things yourself or need inspiration YOU NEED PINTEREST. I have now spent many evenings searching thrift shops and auctions looking for the perfect Pinterest projects (Thanks Catherine!)...

Now I realize to a lot of you this may be old news and since Pinterest has been around for a couple of years that's not really much of a surprise BUT it's definitely something that's picking up speed and I really think one day it will probably take over the world... It's really that fantastic. Trust me.

Anyway, I'll finish off this post with a shameless link to my own personal Pinterest boards. I think you still have to be invited to sign up so send me a message if you want an invite and I'll send one your way! ENJOY!

WARNING.... I am not responsible for the huge amounts of time you will waste on this if/when you sign up. Seriously...

Monday, February 6, 2012

Slacking... sorta

So I forgot about the fact that I started a Blog and therefore have been neglecting to post anything new. It's been a busy couple of weeks. Anyway, this post is going to be a short one... I'm at work, so I'm sneaking this in :) For those of you that have been buying my stuff and supporting my Etsy Shop, THANK YOU! It's extremely encouraging to know that people like what I make and that something I enjoy doing can be enjoyed by others as well. I've been a little slow adding new items to the shop lately, mostly because I have been so busy but also because I've had some custom orders. Make sure you check out my Facebook page too. I try to update all the new stuff, custom orders and promotions that are happening. Ok well that's all for today.... Short, sweet and self-promotion :)

Here's a couple pictures of the latest bags...